Today went sentosa... watch them play beach volleyball competition.
Actually intent to take pic with "him", to keep as a memory. But ended up we did't take any pic.
I had a feeling that he is running far far away from me. :( today maybe e last time we are meeting each other. It's so hard to forget u. U really hurt me deeply hard.
U treat me like this, u will also treat other gal this too. Sry to say that. Cause that e only way i can forget u. Sometime i really hate myself.
Sry "nice guy" to put e fault in u. I really don't means to say that, but it's just come out of my mouth. Maybe this way can let me feel better. lolx... u always tell me to relax... but it's really hard to get relax, about it. But I will try de. :)
Thanks for my jie mei and friends who will always beside me. :)